Sunday, January 16, 2011


One of my favorite sayings is "you always have options." Yet in challenging times people are often so frozen by fear from making a wrong decision that they don't make a rite decision at all and life passes them by. Think of how many events in life are complicated or missed completely because of the roadblock of being afraid to fail by making a rite decision and then making that decision work…

· Marriages that didn't work because of a wrong decision
· Promotions that never occurred because of the fear of asking for it
· Scholarships left on a table somewhere because someone was afraid to fill out the paperwork
· Trips to exotic places that were always talked about but never taken because no one sat down to schedule it
· Relationships that failed because someone didn't decide to work on issues and quietly let things 'slip, slide away'
· Forgiveness that was never granted because someone never got past the fear of saying that they were sorry

When I think about all these intances , I realized I have left behind the best and some beautiful moments & people, however……

Go Numb and Do Nothing-This level is where an individual is so paralyzed by fear that they can't take action and may experience major signs or symptoms of distress. When someone feels numb inside, they often describe their life as being in a 'fog' and often crash in the process

Passive Pleasing-This level is about pleasing others in a very non-assertive way. The people pleaser personality is passively trying to avoid a conflict, yet often their quietness of not dealing with issues is covering up an emotional explosion that can erupt at any time. This person looks quiet and pleasant on the outside, yet often is irritated and frustrated on the inside.

Mediocrity in the Middle of the Road-
When people are trying to be politically correct, they often will just sit in the middle of the road on an issue. Are they conservative or liberal? Do they see things as white or black? You never know because this person refuses to take a stand - often because they either don't care about the situation to have an opinion about it, or are afraid to say it. The risk of sitting in the middle of the road is that you will eventually be run over by a more direct personality who knows where they are going.

Life is changing fast.........Wishes are not horses else I could be driving each of them ...

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