Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Workplace is always like jungle to get lost and find urself either fighting hard to survive or just land up no where. A place which brings a bunch of people together in jumble of many different personalities.

Few most prominent kind of people that I have come across …..

Yapping Queen
Let's start with most affable coworker. The chatterbox usually means well. She is friendly and wants to share all her thoughts (every last one of them) with you. She isn't trying because harm to anyone ... her incessant talking is just keeping you from concentrating on your work. Its fun to have such colleague but I would say … better to be yapping queens some other time

Gossip Sachet
Gossiping is of course the most convenient part of activity for few entertaining characters in office. They claim themselves to be the favorite of the “BOSS”, so loaded with unreliable information. Best way to put it few colleagues who are best to used to “spread the news”, when things are to be confidential. Ideal way to create an synergy with such set of people enjoy the gossip but not be part of the spread the new exercise ever.

Complaining Bundle
There's always one person in a group who can never find anything about which to be happy. If she's not complaining about her health or her family, she's complaining about her job, the company, or boss. Of course, some of her complaints may be legitimate, but the incessant whining is getting on your nerves. Generally, the complainer isn't looking for advice so offering it probably won't do any good. Change the subject whenever the bellyaching begins. Your colleague should get the hint after you do this repeatedly. However in my past I realized the easiest way of dealing such difficult person is by getting personal. May you can discuss your personal interest or creating an emotional connect which might make him people he knows you better than anybody (which is of course not true). Follow up on your previous discussion which might have created an interest in you (observe such weak links).

The Delegator
In almost every workplace you'll find someone who wants to share his work with his colleagues. I am not talking about those who have a legitimate reason to delegate work to others, for example managers or team leaders. I am speaking of those who either can't do all the work they have been given or don't want to do it.

The Credit Grabber
The credit grabber does not acknowledge any help she receives from others. She accepts all the praise for a project without mentioning that she didn't do it alone. The first time this happens, consider it a mistake. Mention it to your colleague and ask her to let others know about your participation. If she doesn't, or if this happens again, make sure you let others know about the role you played in getting a project done. Then, unless you are mandated to work with this person, refuse to help out again.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

100 Years of Memorable Journey of the “PEOPLE’S CAR”

Today finally the most awaited car People’s Car after 100 years of evolution in the automobile industry was launched in Mumbai. When the Indian roads yet get makeover and recovery since grandpa ages, it’s the Indian automobile industry all set ready to steer with the “Nano”.

Few unforgettable cars like to start with Ford Model T with a price tag of $850. Ford had already set record by selling over two million Model T’s in 1908-1927.

Then during 1936-1955 Fiat 500 Topolino made the instance success because of its design.

That’s not all in 1936-1998 VW Beetle arrived because of Adolf Hitler’s vision to give the German a really affordable and easy to run car.

The answer to the overwhelming success of the Beetle’s mass appeal was the Britian’s Austin Mini in 1956-2000.

However in the meantime in the year 1983 till present, the Japanese Kei car Maruti 800 changed the face of the automobile industry.

Now comes the dream car for the millions of “hum do hamara do” Indian families the world's cheapest car “Nano” in 2009.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Integrating Transformation within ME

While chatting to me online last night, my friend, Priya, commented to me that she barely recognized the shy, introverted, insecure girl she first befriended about some years ago. And she's absolutely right. I'm hardly that person I was back when she and I met and she helped me make it through some of the most emotionally trying times of my life. I'm not sure I could point to an exact time when I transformed into the self-confident, flirtatious, and occasionally intimidating person that I am today. To be honest, I think it was a process and there's no single "flash point" I could point to anyway. It just progressed as time went on. May be the people, place or passage of time made it all happen. In many ways, I think I was always the person I am today, even back then. I just didn't fully realize it. But as I've walked that path and allowed myself to discover my inner strengths and source of confidence, I've become more and more myself. I've found a comfort with myself that, if I take the time to really think about, I never really knew before. And that's fantastic. Of course, as I think about it, I also think of some of those qualities I always have had …… and even exhibited back before I punched through my shell and exploded into the world …..and I hope that they are still equally visible. For example, I don't want the fact that I'm now quite friendly, outgoing, flirtatious, and willing to actually say a number of things to ever negate the fact that I'm a good listener and able to give people a shoulder to cry on. Oh, I know I'll never lose those qualities. They're as much a part of me as these new aspects of my personality are. They always will be. But I hope that they continue to remain visible rather than getting obscured by my ability and desire to be more outgoing and forthright. In reality, I think that won't be a problem in the long run. Right now, I'm exploring something new in my life and a new dimension of my being. I suppose that to some degree, it's only appropriate that it get a little extra focus and even be a bit emphasized. But my fondest desire is to eventually find a way to integrate it all so that it feels and looks like complete whole rather than fractionalized and somewhat conflicting pieces trying to coexist. After all, I want to be a complete whole, and all of these things are what make the whole of “ME

Incorrigible India

Attacking women for drinking in pubs, a court notice for naming the movie Slumdog Millionaire, closing down shops names Karachi sweets in Mumbai, objecting to women wearing lipstick, honor killing, banning sales of Pakistani books, certain political parties refuting India being the base of the subcontinent.

So what happened to a tolerant liberal democracy? Hinduism is supposed to venerate women, we worship them as goddesses.

As per an article in one of the leading newspapers, whilst researching into the economy and food in ancient India, the author mentions the intoxicating beverages in every chapter from the Vedic period onwards. He further claims that Sita’s favorite drink was “Sura”. Did that make her immoral and lascivious?

It is unfortunate that the perpetrators of brutality against women act with impunity. Indian history and even the customs practiced in India today are witnessed to the atrocities by some pious elements, who we might add are on alarming rise.

And this in the land where the treasure “Kamasutra” was written about 2000 years ago! A book not obscene. A book depicting the three aims of life virtue (dharma), prosperity (artha) and love (kama). May be the Government should consider an depth reading a must for our well intentioned politicians! And he is the real India-hailing from the quarrelsome dirty back streets of India. Not the smart talking rooms of the cosmopolites.

Although India has opened its doors to globalization, as a country she is not ready to face the obvious. Indians have always held West in awe and the easy accessibility of those once unreachable things have led to different perspectives. The aping of the hitherto haloed West had to be natural evolution of the progress. So why crib?

The message given across the world by such self-righteous acts can only have one consequences-highlighting the conspicuous hiatus between India and the countries it choose to ape!